Friday, May 6, 2011

Body Back Session 2 Starts Monday!!

Our 1st Body Back Session was such a HUGE success, we've decided to offer a 2nd Session!!

Classes start this Monday, May 9th or Tuesday, May 10th and there are ONLY A FEW SPOTS LEFT!!!

Session 2 Class Schedule-

Mondays & Wesdesdays 6-7am
May 9-July 8


Tuesdays & Thursdays 9-10am
May 10-July 7

**Please choose only 1 class time**

Email for more information including class locations.

What is Body Back???

Body Back is a clinically proven, high intensity, interval program giving you a total body workout. Are these classes for everyone? No, probably not everyone. There are moms, like you, who are willing to reach out of her comfort zone. You will be pushed to your personal limits. This program is based on cardio, strength and core.

This 8 week session will include:
A maximum of 10 participants
Two, in class workouts per week
Before and after assessments
Mama Wants Her Body Back DVD (at home use)
Mama Wants to Get Lean Food Journal
Mama Wants to Get Lean Food Journal 2
Online Support and Coaching

What makes Body Back special is the combination of the the result-based workouts with the motivational support. Every class offers inspiration to refuel you and give you the strength you need for the day for Motherhood!

Check out what a few ladies from our 1st session are saying about Body Back....
"I have accomplished so much in such a short space of time that Body Back has totally exceeded my expectations. The classes challenge you to challenge yourself and, as a result, my fitness level is at an all time high. Three 5k races in 8 weeks - I could not have done this without all the encouragement and support from Body Back. Thank you Body Back!" ~Clare

"Amy is an amazing trainer. The class was awesome and very challenging. I will most definitely take the class again. I can do things now that I have never been able to do in my life, such as, run without throwing up!"~ Shay

"I am 50 years old and thought I was in great shape. Before this program, I worked out 3-5 times/week. After completing the 8 weeks, I can't believe how strong I am and the inches I lost. Even though I did not "follow the meal plan", I have become more aware of what I eat.
Thanks Amy!" ~Libby

Body Back Program Pricing: $150.00
*Ask about our discounts for current Stroller Strides members and LUNA Moms*

**Receive $25 off for each friend you refer!!**

Ready to Register?
Contact Amy Narron-

FIND US ON FACEBOOK: Body Back of the Crystal Coast

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mama, Do You Want Your Body Back?

I am excited to bring Body Back classes to the Crystal Coast! I had the honor of taking a Body Back taught by Lisa Druxman and Kim Strassman at Stroller Strides National Conference last October. It was the most challenging, inspiring, and rewarding fitness experience I have ever had! After that class, I knew I had to bring Body Back to my local community. I am already overwhelmed by moms who are ready to sign up for our first Body Back session starting in February. I can not wait to take this amazing, life changing journey with each Body Back mom!


Body Back® is the newest program release from Stroller Strides’ founder Lisa Druxman. It is a results-based workout designed specifically for moms. Whether they just had a baby or had a baby twenty years ago, it will help any mom get her body back. Most importantly, it will help moms unlock their personal possibilities in an inspiring and powerful environment.

Body Back® clients experience targeted high-intensity workouts, inspiration and motivation in every class. When done in conjunction with Lisa’s Mama Wants Her Body Back meal plan and workout DVDs, you have a surefire combination for success.

What Does Body Back Include?
- 2 Workouts per week in a small group format
- Mama Wants Her Body Back Meal Plan and Food Diary
- Before and After fitness assessments and measurements
- Online coaching and support
- Mama Wants Her Body Back workout DVD

The workouts have been clinically proven in a University research study to help moms lose the weight and get their pre-baby body back. Moms all over the country are achieving results that they never dreamed possible.

Our first 8 week session, the Beta class, will start in February. Each class is limited to 10 participants only. Sign up early to save your spot!

If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please contact Amy Narron at or call 800-972-7315 Ext 1.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Are you up for a challenge?...

Join the Crystal Coast Stroller Striders as they vow to avoid fast food for the next 30 days! In an attempt to kick start a healthier 2011, I've challenged each Stroller Strider to ditch the fast food for an entire month. My hope is that, after 30 days, they'll ditch fast food for good and choose healthier food choices! To make the challenge easier, we're hosting 2 cooking classes to teach the moms how to prepare fast, healthy food at home! Are you up for the challenge...join us! Leave a comment below with your email address so we can keep you posted as the challenge progresses. What's in it for you? Besides 30 days of healthier eating, we'll even throw in a prize! But, you have to complete the challenge to find out what the prize is:).

Best of luck!

In Healthy Strides,
Amy Narron
Crystal Coast Stroller Strides Owner/Instructor

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January Newsletter

Our January Newsletter is ready for you to check out! It's full of great info including our January calendar, fitness tips, Mom of the Month feature, and details on how to sign up for Stroller Strides and take advantage of our lowest registration fee of the year!! Happy reading.....

Monday, January 3, 2011

January's Mom of the Month

Courtney Knote

Courtney is a dedicated LUNA Mom's Club member, mom to 2 handsome little boys Cooper and Camyron, and every one's favorite Gold Canyon Candle rep! A big thank you to Courtney for being such a wonderful addition to our group!

What are your goals as a mom?
I want to be the best mom I can be to my handsome little men. To support them and teach them right from wrong (even when I have to sit back and let them learn the "hard" way by themselves) I would like to not only be their mom, but also their role model and friend.

What fitness goals would you like to achieve in the next year?
Lose the baby weight, tone muscle and get into shape so I can keep up with two rambunctious boys!

What has been your craziest “mommy moment” ?
Oh man-I don't think I can post my favorites on here, let's just say I've learned that little ears have big mouths!

What is your favorite family activity?
We have too many to choose from....reading, eating dinner at the table together as a family, playing cars, going to the mud bogs, and riding quads just to name a few.

What is the most important lesson you have learned as a mom?
That I am not perfect, nor am I super mom. Sometimes it's ok to fail and learn from my mistakes. I've also learned that all moms are different and I can learn something from every other mom out there, tweak it and make it my own.

What inspired you to become a business owner?
It was a big shock to me when I first became a stay at home mom. I was use to working 50-80 hrs a week. All my old friends didn't want to hang out because I was now a "grown up" & no longer "COOL" So really I had no friends. I ordered a candle, fell in love & knew that in order to continue buying, I needed to have my own money. So I joined to sell them myself. I can now enjoy having an amazing smelling, inviting home, & help pay the bills at the same time.

How do you balance work and motherhood?
I work while they sleep or dad is home.

Tell us 5 things we don’t already know about you.
I want to have one more child. I want to be a surrogate mother. I want to adopt. I eat mustard on my peas. I had my own sport bike and can't wait to get back on and ride again when my babies are a few years older and we move closer to family.