Monday, January 3, 2011

January's Mom of the Month

Courtney Knote

Courtney is a dedicated LUNA Mom's Club member, mom to 2 handsome little boys Cooper and Camyron, and every one's favorite Gold Canyon Candle rep! A big thank you to Courtney for being such a wonderful addition to our group!

What are your goals as a mom?
I want to be the best mom I can be to my handsome little men. To support them and teach them right from wrong (even when I have to sit back and let them learn the "hard" way by themselves) I would like to not only be their mom, but also their role model and friend.

What fitness goals would you like to achieve in the next year?
Lose the baby weight, tone muscle and get into shape so I can keep up with two rambunctious boys!

What has been your craziest “mommy moment” ?
Oh man-I don't think I can post my favorites on here, let's just say I've learned that little ears have big mouths!

What is your favorite family activity?
We have too many to choose from....reading, eating dinner at the table together as a family, playing cars, going to the mud bogs, and riding quads just to name a few.

What is the most important lesson you have learned as a mom?
That I am not perfect, nor am I super mom. Sometimes it's ok to fail and learn from my mistakes. I've also learned that all moms are different and I can learn something from every other mom out there, tweak it and make it my own.

What inspired you to become a business owner?
It was a big shock to me when I first became a stay at home mom. I was use to working 50-80 hrs a week. All my old friends didn't want to hang out because I was now a "grown up" & no longer "COOL" So really I had no friends. I ordered a candle, fell in love & knew that in order to continue buying, I needed to have my own money. So I joined to sell them myself. I can now enjoy having an amazing smelling, inviting home, & help pay the bills at the same time.

How do you balance work and motherhood?
I work while they sleep or dad is home.

Tell us 5 things we don’t already know about you.
I want to have one more child. I want to be a surrogate mother. I want to adopt. I eat mustard on my peas. I had my own sport bike and can't wait to get back on and ride again when my babies are a few years older and we move closer to family.

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