Monday, July 26, 2010

I seem to have lost my motivation.... run! I was on a roll, running atleast 3 times a week. And then allergies hit me followed by brutal hot weather and here I am, no motivation to run and a half marathon lurking in the near future. Ok, I own a treadmill, hot weather is really no excuse! I have run a few random times since I stopped running consistently (runners guilt maybe?) and honestly, I totally sucked. I even had to take walking breaks! I know that I need to start running again, just do it and not think about all the other things I should be doing instead. I know I need to start slow and gradually build up to where I was before I fell off the running wagon. So what is holding me back?...nothing. I'll start tomorrow, I promise! If you see me tomorow, please hold me to this.

What keeps you motivated?

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