Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Celebration!

Well, tomorrow is my 28th birthday! Shew, where has the time gone?? On the brink of turning...duhduhduh...30, I must say that age is just a number to me. I am a wife, mother, and small business owner. Three things that I never would have dreamed to accomplish before my 30th birthday. And yet, here I am! My newest accomplishment as a Stroller Strides franchisee is an exciting, wonderful addition to my life! I am thoroughly enjoying teaching Stroller Strides classes. More importantly, I have met some amazing women and children, my daughter truly enjoys the classes, and I feel like I am really making a difference in my community! I have to say that I welcome my 28th birthday. I see it as a celebration of how far I've come and how much I've accomplished in my 28 years! Happy Birthday to me:)

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