Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Birth of Crystal Coast Stroller Strides

When I found out I was pregnant, I didn't know what to expect. I had never been a mom before, I had no idea how to care for a newborn! As my due date grew near, I was filled with excitement AND fear. Was I really ready to be a mom? Ready or not, she came! And I learned...quickly! I call it "on the job training." I had no choice but to figure out how to care for this precious little baby girl that relied entirely on me to care for her every need. And I'm still learning, but the fear has subsided. She is now a happy, healthy, sassy (almost) 2 year old and I am pretty proud of the job I've done so far.
With the birth of my daughter came the decision to become a stay at home mom. Easier said then done!! I love staying home with my daughter but I MISSED working, adult conversation, and the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a task (other than changing a dirty diaper!). I wasn't willing to give up my SAHM status but I still felt the need to enter back into the "working world." I researched various work at home opportunities but nothing seemed to fit what I was looking for...until I discovered Stroller Strides!! I googled it, read every inch of the website and thought "this is too good to be true!!" An opportunity to teach fitness classes to mommies, host playgroups, Mom's nights out, and community events, AND I can bring my daughter with me??? Sign me up!...and that is just what I did. I completed the application process, attended training, advertised, and hosted my Grand Opening 2 months ago!
The thing about starting a business is that it's similar to giving birth...metaphorically of course! As I signed the contract to purchase the franchise, I was excited but a little scared at the same time. I didn't know what to expect, I had NEVER run my own business before. So, it's back to "on the job training." The important thing is that I have confidence in myself. I am teaching amazing fitness classes, organizing events to bring moms and kiddos together, and helping my community! The fear still creeps in as I wonder "can I really pull this off...can I really run a successful business??" But, I reassure myself- I'm raising a 2 year old...this business thing should be a piece of cake!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Celebration!

Well, tomorrow is my 28th birthday! Shew, where has the time gone?? On the brink of turning...duhduhduh...30, I must say that age is just a number to me. I am a wife, mother, and small business owner. Three things that I never would have dreamed to accomplish before my 30th birthday. And yet, here I am! My newest accomplishment as a Stroller Strides franchisee is an exciting, wonderful addition to my life! I am thoroughly enjoying teaching Stroller Strides classes. More importantly, I have met some amazing women and children, my daughter truly enjoys the classes, and I feel like I am really making a difference in my community! I have to say that I welcome my 28th birthday. I see it as a celebration of how far I've come and how much I've accomplished in my 28 years! Happy Birthday to me:)