Sunday, September 5, 2010

We're Growing!

Stroller Strides of Havelock (our second location!) is up and running!!! Our Grand Opening was Wednesday, September 1st and it turned out to be a wonderful, fun-filled day. It was very inspiring to meet so many new moms who are excited to incorporate fitness (with their kiddos!) into their daily routine. I am so proud of each mom who attended class, it was an extremely hot day! By the end of class the moms were over-heated and the babies were a little cranky but everyone finished with a smile=).I am so blessed to be able to offer Stroller Strides to moms in Morehead City and now Havelock (and surrounding areas- we have quite a few New Bern mommies too!). Thank you Stroller Strides for this amazing opportunity and thank you to all the moms who attend class, your enthusiasm and smiles make my day!