Thursday, August 5, 2010

13.1...Let the fun begin!

On Tuesday, myself and 3 other brave Stroller Striding mommies started training for a half marathon. Yes, that's right, 13.1 miles. Considering I've never run more than a 5k (ever!) this is going to be quite a challenge AND an accomplishment! I am so inspired by the moms I'm training with, there is no doubt in my mind that each of us can and will finish the race!

Our first run was 3 miles in extreme heat! We all walked a bit but the important thing is that we all finished. 3 miles is a long way from 13.1 but I know we'll get there. Slowly but surely, we'll be logging miles in the double digits! As we start, the road to the half seems long but it's a journey I'm looking forward to completing with the strongest, toughest group of mommies I know!