Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Eat Smart!

"Studies have found potential links between pesticides and breast cancer risk. Pesticides and other synthetic chemicals are found in our food. Read labels, ask your grocer to stock organic produce and hormone-free meats and dairy products, and look for organic food at your local farmers’ market. Look for natural alternatives to chemical weed and bug killers and take preventative measures such as mulching for weeds and using traps, barriers, fabric row covers, or plant-based repellents to get rid of pests.

The pesticides of greatest concern for breast cancer are used in the agricultural setting. To take a step further, visit the Pesticide Action Network website (www.panna.org) to clean up the environment beyond your home."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Create a Healthy Home

Make your home a chemical-free sanctuary. Many household items, including paper products and cleaning supplies, contain cancer-causing chemicals. These products can be replaced with safer, non-toxic alternatives available at your local supermarkets and health food stores. Plus, by making smart purchases you let manufacturers and retailers know that you won’t stand for toxic products.

Some plastics leach chemicals into the substances they touch, so you should try to choose non-plastic alternatives when possible.
Avoid microwaving your food in plastic containers or in plastic wrap. Choose ceramic or glass containers instead.
Swap plastic water bottles for stainless steel or aluminum options.
Choose non-toxic baby toys and shower curtains instead of PVC (polyvinyl chloride), plastic or vinyl.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Get Fit in 2010 with Stroller Strides

"New Year, New You!"

Join Stroller Strides in 2010 and work towards reaching your fitness goals!! In honor of your commitment to fitness, Crystal Coast Stroller Strides will offer a greatly reduced registration fee of $20.10 (a savings of $40!) to all moms who join in the month of January. Click here to sign up for a FREE week of classes!

"Cheer to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." ~Oprah

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Breast Cancer Prevention

Tip #1 from your LUNA Mom's Club-

Fewer than 10% of breast cancers occur due to a genetic link. Even when all traditional risk factors -including genetic predisposition, reproductive history, diet, exercise and alcohol- are aggregated, more than half of U.S. breast cancer cases remain unexplained. The Breast Cancer Fund believes that environmental exposures to toxic chemicals and radiation are increasing breast cancer risk. Visit and direct your friends to www.breastcancerfund.org to learn more and get people talking!